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Wellbeing as Home

A Transformative heart-Space Healing community for the mind, body & Soul

In this highly customized six-session program designed for Black folks and people of color, you will expand your definitions of rest, deepen your appreciation for self-care, and gain tools for protecting and augmenting your peace of mind, body, and soul. Join us in this participant-tailored cohort and find community with fellow change-makers seeking both healing and liberation.

Join Us!

We see you — we feel you — we are you.

Join our delivery and support team of wellness practitioners with more than 75 collective years facilitating, training, coaching, researching, and supporting in the work of racial equity, personal transformation and multiple somatic and healing modalities.

We’re here to meet you where you are.

Let’s heal and thrive together!


This program is right for you if:

You are a person of color (Black/African-American, Indigenous, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Latinx) and you resonate with these questions and would love to delve deeper into the possibilities they open up ~

  • What does ‘wellbeing’ really mean to me?

  • How do we build a sense of ourselves grounded in our intrinsic worth?

  • What connections exist between caring for ourselves and liberation?

  • In a society that often treats mind and body as separate entities, how do we repair that connection?

  • How do we nourish ourselves when even healing work hurts?

Throughout the program, you will be able to

  • Confirm the unnamed feeling you feel – IS REALand is a calling that begins with tending to self- in authentic wellbeing (formerly ‘rest’)

  • Discover what causes the core issues of this unnamed calling: stress, overwhelm and burnout- why they can be unseen/undetected and unattended to and progress greater and greater (worse and worse); and how beginning with attention to self/your wellbeing is key

  • — Gain clarity about what can hold folks of color back from tending to their own wellbeing

    —Tell some truths: of the power and productivity of tending to self/ rest/ wellness; alignment with your true needs for rest and whole wellness- and how this forms the possibility for personal healing and personal justice; breaking out of and letting go of what no longer supports you – your key limitations around the topic of rest/tending to self/wellbeing for PoC

    —Determine your key area of authentic well-being; create your own wellness vision and define your first steps forward along your path


What’s Included:

  • Six, monthly live sessions, online in the comfort of your own space, 

    1. Beginning in March 2023: Dates TBA

    2. A structured program to learn about and discover authentic well-being for you, specifically

    3. Modalities of well-being (especially for folks of color) shared and practiced in-session

    4. A gorgeous digital journal to follow along each session; and, to capture your learnings, insights, self-discoveries, and action steps

  • Assignments between sessions that offer you opportunities to go deeper with your insights on and experiences of well-being and tend to self

  • Additional weekly between-session, optional, rotating resources and inspiration, to take in and share

  • Opportunities to deepen your experience by building powerful connections with your fellow cohort members (on what you’re discovering and how you’re growing) 

  • A delivery and support team of Facilitators and Administrators with more than 75 years of facilitating, training, coaching, and supporting in racial equity, process design, strategy, yoga, mindfulness, meditation, integrative nutrition, personal transformation, etc…

  • One, 1-1 coaching session with a seasoned coach to assist your journey over the course of the program

Contact Us: to sign up, for pricing or more info at hello@wayfindingpartners.com


For organizations considering sponsoring an employee;

Some projected organizational benefits of this cohort:

  • With this sponsorship and continued organizational attention to authentically building and retaining diverse talent, and creating an inclusive workplace, sponsoring employers may see the same as the average gains across 366 international companies

    —Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians”

    —“For every 10% increase in racial and ethnic diversity on the senior-executive team, earnings before interest and taxes rise +0.8% in the USA”

  • —Employee belonging – is a contributor to employee effectiveness and organizational effectiveness

    —Companies with sustained diverse workforces perform better, operationally

    A look at the virtuous loop:

    “Having more diverse talent is likely to make the company more inclusive being more inclusive can make it easier to attract talent from a broader, diverse pool of qualified candidates the new talent will be less likely to churn as talent becomes more engaged they can focus on applying their skills this, in turn, will increase productivity, reduce hiring and training costs, and minimize the disruptions that arise from unhappy employees company performance increases”

  • —Participants will have greater confidence to step into leadership positions, especially in regard to integrating mindful practices into the organization’s growth

    —They will also gain skills to enter ERGs with new energy, tools, and ways of being that will bring your organization to the next level of the new era of leading organizations