Partnership Alignment Tool

The Partnership Alignment Tool (PAT) allows individuals to reflect on their organization’s orientation to justice work. It uses Wayfinding Partner’s values as guideposts and asks reflective questions about organizational culture. 

You are welcome to complete the PAT for your own personal reflection and growth. If you or your organization are looking to partner with us, we require at least one person from your organization to complete it. We also recommend sharing this tool with several members of your organization, and asking them to fill it out independently. This will give us a holistic view of your organization.

If you complete this survey, your responses will only be used by our team for the sake of determining whether and how we might be ideal partners for you (keeping in mind we are not seeking perfection). They will NOT be shared to anyone else besides the Wayfinding team. You will NOT receive a copy of your responses after you submit, but you are welcome to print the page before you hit submit to keep a record of your responses.

Useful Tips:

1.) Go with your gut.

Please respond with your gut feeling based on your experiences. We know responses may be difficult to fit into one category, but your first reaction is often the most useful one to chart.

2.) Neutral = no response, not sure.

For any of the questions below, select ‘neutral’ if you aren’t equipped to answer a certain question based on your experiences.

3.) Use the ‘Other’ box to elaborate.

Explain why you responded the way you did or why you chose ‘Neutral’ (meaning you skipped) a question.